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Non-Surgical Liposuction with Body Tite


Non-Surgical Liposuction with Body Tite Q & A

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is an advanced body contouring procedure that helps tighten the skin during liposuction.  Liposuction is used to remove excess fat, but does not necessarily help tighten sagging skin; in fact, liposuction without BodyTite can make sagging skin worse by removing the underlying fat that can plump the skin.  BodyTite not only helps as an add-on to our liposuction procedures but a perfect solution for anyone who has lost weight or has wrinkly skin that comes with aging. BodyTite technology reduces fat while also tightening skin using  Radiofrequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL).

What is the Difference between BodyTite, FaceTite, and Accutite?

BodyTite, FaceTite, and AccuTite are essentially the same, just different sizes of the same device.  All three are examples of Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuciton (RFAL) where we tighten the skin as part of liposuction.  BodyTite is the largest device and used for the legs, arms, torso, and chest.  FaceTite is predominantly used on the lower face and neck for a non-surgical neck and facelift.  AccuTite is used for smaller areas like around the eyes, central cheeks, bra bulge, and knees. AccuTite does not always involve liposuction. 


Is BodyTite better than CoolSculpting or EMSCULPT?

Succinctly, yes! BodyTite is significantly different and more effective than non-invasive devices such as Coolsculpting and EMSCULPT, which do not predictably deliver the results that radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) can in terms of skin tightening and fat reduction.  CoolSculpting and EMSCULPT are non-invasive so they do not remove fat in any way as the devices sit on top of the skin and attempt to destroy fat cells that will be eventually cleared by the immune system.  In contrast, BodyTite is minimally invasive where a thin heating probe (thinner than a pen) is inserted into the skin via small incisions that are used for liposuction. The internal probe is matched with an external heating probe so the skin between the probes can be heated to a much higher and effective temperature to deliver results CoolSculpting and EMSCULPT cannot.  When combined with liposuction, BodyTite results are much more impressive as large volumes of fat can be physically removed during liposuction while BodyTite can then heat the skin to much the ideal temperatures to tighten skin, melt more fat, and induce intense collagen synthesis.

What areas can BodyTite treat?

BodyTite can treat a number of problem areas such as:

  • Arms
  • Chest (for breast lifts and gynecomastia for men).
  • Breast
  • Abdomen
  • Inner & Outer thighs
  • Flanks
  • Stomach
  • Back

What areas can AccuTite treat?

AccuTite can treat a number of smaller problem areas such as:

  • Brows
  • Periorbital Area
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Neck
  • Lower Face
  • Bra Bulge
  • Knees
  • Hands

What areas can FaceTite treat?

FaceTite can treat a number of problem areas such as:

  • Jowls
  • Lower Face
  • Neck

FaceTite is the basis for our non-surgical facelift and necklift. 


Who can get BodyTite treatments?

Ideal candidates for BodyTite treatments are patients who want to improve the appearance of excess fat and/or loose skin in the treatable areas. Ideal candidates should have a BMI<35 for select areas of the body, but we can make a plan on a case by case basis for patients that do not meet this.  Patients should be off of blood thinners and be able to lay flat on their back.  Also, patient in kidney failure or who have difficulty with fluid overload (i.e. congestive heart failure) should be cautious with radiofrequency assisted liposuction, including BodyTite. 

Where is BodyTite performed at?

All procedures WellSkin offer are performed in our Gallatin office with a specialized team with advanced emergency protocols. 

Is BodyTite safe?

Like any treatment there are potential for side effects, but BodyTite is an FDA cleared treatment based on its safety and effectiveness. Any risks associated with BodyTite treatments will be fully discussed with you by our trained surgical team before your first treatment. The main side effects are the potential for irritation to the skin including nodule formation and the potential for a skin burn, but extensive care is taken to minimize these known risks of the procedure. Safety is built into the Bodytite system as the heating probes also contain thermometers that check the temperature of the treated skin hundreds of times per second to avoid excessive heating that can lead to burns.  In fact, the device will turn itself off as a safety precaution when the skin reaches its goal temperature or if the skin is heating too fast. 

Is BodyTite painful?

BodyTite can be done with minimal pain during and after the procedure.  During the procedure, medication will be provided so patients are awake but sleepy while numbing medicine is used to minimize the procedure.. The combination of these two will limit the discomfort during your procedure. Depending on the size of the area(s) you’re treating, the session could take anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. After the procedure, you will receive extensive instructions including how to reduce the pain with the procedure. 

How many sessions of BodyTite will I need?

BodyTite is a one time treatment per area.  We often add Morpheus8 to our RFAL sessions which can be done multiple times after the BodyTite session. 

Do I need to do any preparation before a BodyTite treatment?

During your consultation, your specialist will ask about allergies, medical and surgical history, what kind of medications and supplements you take, including herbal supplements. Depending on what you’re taking, they may advise you to stop taking certain medications and supplements before your treatment. To ensure the best results for you treatment, it’s best to follow some protocols to be prepared for your procedure such as:

  • Avoid taking the supplements and medications as recommended by staff a week before your treatment.
  • Allowing 1-2 days for possible down time as needed, downtime varies between procedure areas. Desk work can usually be resumed 2 days after the procedure.  We typically prefer to do procedures at the end of the week to allow patients to recuperate over the weekend. 
  • Complimentary compression wear will be given with instructions on your procedure day.

What about post-treatment care?

There are a few common post-treatment reactions listed below:

Swelling– After a BodyTite session, it’s normal for patients to have some swelling and bruising. Applying cold compress to the areas that were treated will help reduce swelling and bruising faster.

Lotions and makeup – Don’t apply lotion or creams to the treated area for up to 24 hours after treatment. 

Activities – It is best not to perform any strenuous exercise for at least 1-2 weeks after a BodyTite treatment to give the body time to recuperate fully and to encourage any swelling or fluid to go down. Also, avoid saunas, hot tubs and steam rooms as well as submerging the area in water for a prolonged period such as swimming for 1-2 weeks.

How to schedule a consultation?

Contact us by calling 615-675-0444 or request an appointment now. 

Medical/Surgical Services
Hidradenitis Supportiva
Hair Loss
Skin Cancer
Pediatric Dermatology
Aesthetic Services
Dermaplaning & Chemical Peels
Skin Tightening
Brow Tint
Spray Tan
Morpheus 8
Minimally Invasive Liposuction with Body Tite Skin Tightening
Spider Vein Treatment
Crepey Skin Treatment
High Depth Body Contouring
Non-Surgical Facelift/Neck Lift
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